Macmillan Coffee Morning
Macmillan Coffee Morning
The Lanes Primary School
Meadow Lane site
Dear Parents, Carers
We are holding our coffee morning to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support on Friday 24h September 2021 from 9.00am to 10.00am on the Meadow Lane site.
In preparation for the event we’re asking for donations of cakes and cookies. We’d be delighted to receive home made and shop bought cakes, fruit loaves, cookies, fairy cakes to name but a few.
We respectfully ask that if cakes or cookies contain nuts that they are labelled. Any ‘free from’ cakes are most welcome so everyone can enjoy a treat.
Please help by sending in cakes to reception at either site before Friday 24th and join us for coffee and cake at the Meadow Lane site. Any cakes that remain uneaten!/unsold will be available to buy at both sites after school that day.
This is our first coffee morning this year at The Lanes, it is a great opportunity to meet other parents and have a chat. Please come and support our school and a great cause.
We look forward to you joining us for the ‘World’s Biggest Coffee Morning’ to drink coffee and eat cake.
We’re Ready to Brew. Are you?
Yours sincerely
Jo Revill
Head Teacher
Elaine Allcoat
Extended Services Co-ordinator