Assemblies, Videos & Song Links
Y6 Leavers 2020.mp4

Y2 End Of Year Performance.mp4

Mrs Revill's Assembly 22.07.mp4

The Lanes Staff Summer Challenge.mp4

Mrs Revill's Assembly 10.07.mp4

Mrs Revill's Assembly 03.07.20.mp4

Mrs Revill's Assembly 26.06.mp4

Class 3 in School

Mrs Revill Assembly.mp4

Class 6 in school this week

Class 5 on the Early Years Garden

Mrs Revill's Assembly.mp4

Mrs Revill's Assembly.mp4

Class6-Mrs Caldwell & Mrs Johnston.mp4

Class5-Mrs Darke.mp4

Class 4-Miss Williams.mp4

Class 3-Mrs Wignell.mp4

Mrs Revill Assembly & Story 29.05

Mrs Revill Assembly & Story1.mp4

Mr Bacon reading pirates.mp4

Mr Bacon reading The Twits.mp4

Mr Bacon reading chapter 2 of The Twits.mp4

Assembly with Mrs Revill & Miss Jowett.mp4

Mr Bacon Reading Db-1.m4v

Mr Bacon's French lesson.mp4

Assembly with Mrs Revill & Mrs Brown.mp4

Miss Williams reading 'Stuck'.mov


Reception Team Hello.mp4

Message from Mrs Revill.mp4

Hello from The Lanes Primary School (1).mp4