KS1 & KS2 TESTS 2025
Compulsory SAT tests are carried out every year in school with children in Year 6. In addition to this children in Year 1 take a phonics reading test in June. This test is a series of words – proper and nonsense words which children are asked to read using their phonic knowledge. If a child in Year 1 does not get the required number of words right to pass the test they are able to resit it in Year 2.
SAT tests for Year 2 children are taken in Reading, Writing and Maths and are done in May. Teachers use their professional judgement based on work done during the year to assess the level at which each child is working. This judgement is then confirmed by a test usually done in May.
These tests are no longer compulsary, however we will contine to use them as in school assessments.
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check (Year 1 pupils)
We are required to administer a phonics screening check to children in Year 1.
The 2025 check will take place during the week beginning Monday 9th June 2025.
Useful Resources for Phonics Revision
Key Stage 1 Assessment (Year 2 pupils)
Key Stage 1 SATs are used to test children’s knowledge and understanding of English and mathematics in Key Stage 1. They provide a snapshot of children’s attainment and help Year 2 teachers arrive at a secure judgement for their final ‘teacher assessment’ at the end of Key Stage 1.
Key Stage 1 SATs take place in May, and while these tests are no longer compulsary, we will contine to use them as in school assessments.
Multiplication tables check (Year 4 pupils)
The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.
Schools will have a 2-week check window, starting on Monday 2 June 2025, to administer the MTC. Teachers will have the flexibility to administer the check to individual pupils, small groups or a whole class at the same time.
Key Stage 2 Assessment (Year 6 pupils)
In Year 6, before children leave us to move to Secondary school they undertake tests in Reading Comprehension, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation (SPAG) and Numeracy. These tests are set by the Department for Education and must be taken in a particular week in May. All maintained schools in the country take the same test on the same day.
This year SAT week begins on Monday 13th May and the timetable of when each test happens is below.
Schools are required to administer the following tests: English Reading; English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (new from 2013); and Mathematics.
The 2025 end of Key Stage 2 national curriculum tests will be held in the week beginning Monday 12th May 2022
Monday 12th: English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2
Tuesday 13th: English reading
Wednesday 14th: Mathematics papers 1 and 2
Thursday 15th: Mathematics paper 3
The papers from the Year 6 tests are marked externally and results published by the Department for Education in early July. Parents and children will be made aware of these as soon as they are released to us.
How you can help
Try to talk to your child ahead of the test week and reassure them – re-iterating the message that they just need to try their best and not worry.
Make sure that they have a reasonably early night during SAT week. They will feel under a degree of stress so try to be patient.
Ensure that they have a healthy breakfast before coming to school. Once in school we provide milk, juice or fruit prior to the tests starting to those children who want it.
Once home ask your child how the day went and what they think they did well.