Physical Education

Physical Education Vision
At The Lanes Primary School, physical education is an integral part of our curriculum. We will give every pupil a fair opportunity to access the components of our PE curriculum in order to reach the following objectives: Children will leave The Lanes Primary School with a positive relationship to physical health, activity and personal wellbeing. Children to use physical education at The Lanes Primary School to develop their understanding of competition, including: fair play, sportsmanship, team work, passion and playing within the rules. Children to have a sound knowledge of the basic skills needed to access specific sports. Children to use physical education at The Lanes Primary School to develop themselves as a whole person - mentally, personally, physically and socially. |
Implementation PE Lessons Intent of action - 2 hours of timetabled lessons each week for every pupil. One of these lessons follows the REAL PE scheme. The other is selected from a range of activities timetabled over a long term curriculum map. This ensures that there is a progression of skills over course of a child’s primary education. Pupils are given the opportunity to develop themselves as a whole person, build a sound knowledge of basic skills, develop the school’s values and to build a positive relationship with physical health. How is it implemented? - All staff have access to a bank of structured lessons. Hall space and outside space are timetabled in order to give each class an opportunity to access PE lessons. Generally, REAL PE lessons take place during hall time. Each lesson plan is pre-created using teacher expertise but gives the teacher flexibility to alter elements in order to give the pupils the best learning experience. In REAL PE, lessons make links to the PSHE objectives – personal, social, applying physical, creative, cognitive and health and fitness. These are appropriate in order to enhance children’s understanding of the values associated to physical health and sport. We have also developed a curriculum map for REAL PE and other activities to guide teachers throughout the year . |
Impact We feel it is important to allow staff and pupils the opportunity to assess their own progress in PE. To this end, we are in the process of implementing a whole school assessment strategy which is manageable for staff. This will start in September 2020. In it, we plan to show staff a simple red, amber green self-assessment tool which allows children to judge whether they have met or exceeded expectations. Teachers can then support children who are not meeting and those who are exceeding expectations. To address potential issues with obesity caused by sedentary lifestyles, we will also children’s cardiovascular fitness on a termly basis. Children will be able to record laps completed on our Mile Run challenge (From Foundation to Year 6) as well as Levels completed in the Multistage Fitness (bleep) test (Years 3-6). REAL PE lessons incorporate substantial methods of differentiation to enable the teacher challenge children of all abilities. Guidance has been given to staff to enable them to differentiate in other PE lessons. This approach provides differentiated lessons that ensure stretch for every pupil, no matter the skills being taught. |
Extra-Curricular Activity Intent To offer maximum opportunity to children of all circumstances to enjoy clubs and initiatives outside of school hours - allowing pupils to develop themselves as a whole person, build a sound knowledge of basic skills and build a positive relationship with physical health. |
Implementation We have a host of after school clubs available to the children. These clubs have become available in response to questionnaires given to the children and parents asking for their preferences. The sports and age groups vary each term so that more children have the option to access them. Attendance for these clubs is tracked for each class. This feeds forward into the following term’s activities. Our long term aspiration is for each child to access at least one activity per year. The clubs are heavily promoted through letter distribution, email correspondence and presentations in class and assembly. |
Impact The clubs are all run by teachers or professional sports coaches who use their own internal assessment and monitoring to ensure high quality provision. We have an open dialogue with them in order to align our expectations. Participation is monitored in order to make sure we are offering the best clubs that are being enjoyed by the children. |
CPD For Teachers Intent Build confidence throughout the staff so that they feel educated to deliver high quality PE lessons. With the staff delivering high quality PE lessons, pupils have a better opportunity to develop themselves as a whole person, build a sound knowledge of basic skills and build a positive relationship with physical health. |
Implementation Teachers had access to a staff meeting/CPD session away from the children. This was done as a group of staff and was coordinated by an exterior provider (REAL PE). The term follows a structure so that teachers feel trained and empowered to deliver high quality PE lessons. As part of a paid package with Broxtowe active schools, we have 30 hours of contact time available, where a sports specialist works at our school. We will be asking staff if they wish to team teach with a specialist with a view to upskilling and gaining more confidence in PE. Additionally, every year group has at least one block of learning delivered by an outside provider. Staff support the lessons delivered and gain valuable insight into effective PE delivery. |
Impact As a PE team, we plan to give staff questionnaires at the beginning and end of each academic year and respond to their CPD requests. In our PE staff meetings, staff are given the opportunity to feedback on their PE delivery and request support where necessary.
Competition Intent To give children an opportunity to develop a better sense of competition - either competing against themselves, others in a recognised environment (PE lessons for example) or against an unrecognised opponent. Increased exposure to competition will allow pupils to better develop their relationship with physical health and its ability to our school values such as pride, teamwork and resilience. |
Implementation Through exposure to competitions during PE lessons (at the end of each lesson children are given an opportunity to cement their learning through a structured competition, where possible). We plan to support inter school competitions from September 2020. Finally, children can represent their school through competitions - where they come off site to compete against other schools and children. We have access to our family of schools for competitive fixtures, as well as Broxtowe Active School competitions calendar in order to timetable a list of events to attend. |
Impact The impact will be measured by listening to pupil and teacher feedback about pupil’s attitudes to competition throughout the year. We will also look at the results of the tournaments we attend and look to improve our results (both scores and relationship with events) throughout the year. |
Pupil Voice We intend for pupils to have an increased understanding of our PE related objectives as a school and feel that they have made progress in those areas. |
Physical Education Knowledge Planner
Principles and Rationale
At The Lanes Primary School, physical education is an integral part of our curriculum. We provide every pupil a fair opportunity to access the components of our PE curriculum in order to reach the following objectives:
- Children to Leave The Lanes Primary School with a positive relationship to physical health, activity and personal wellbeing.
- Children to use physical education at The Lanes Primary School to develop their understanding of competition, including: fair play, sportsmanship, team work, passion and playing within the rules.
- Children to have a sound knowledge of the basic skills needed to access specific sports. Children to use physical education at The Lanes Primary School to develop themselves as a whole person - mentally, personally, physically and socially.
Pupils receive 2 hours of timetabled lessons each week. One of these lessons follows the REAL PE scheme. The other is selected from a range of activities timetabled over a long term curriculum map. This ensures that there is a progression of skills over course of a child’s primary education. Pupils are given the opportunity to develop themselves as a whole person, build a sound knowledge of basic skills, develop the school’s values and to build a positive relationship with physical health. We use outside providers from our local community who specialise in fields such as dance, multiskills, gymnastics, cricket, badminton. All year groups have access to a variety of these over the course of the academic year. Pupils in key stages 1 and 2 have the opportunity to represent the school in district and county events. These are open to both higher attainers and those who need encouragement to enjoy all that PE has to offer