School Improvement
The School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a working document used to set priorities and monitor progress throughout the year.
We are an ambitious school and we have high expectations for all our children and staff. We aim to maintain outstanding standards in all aspects of our work.
This document sets out the strategic priorities agreed by the Governing Body, Head teacher and Senior Leaders. It is informed by the school’s rigorous self-evaluation system and by the School’s Vision. The SIP is reviewed regularly and can be adapted during the year if necessary.
This plan is runs alongside our curriculum action plans which are put together by our curriculum teams for English, Maths, PE and outdoor learning, Computing, Science, Humanities, Arts and RSHE and RE.
The priorities for 2020-21 are:
1. To develop teaching and learning in maths to improve attainment and progress across school.
2. To improve consistency in Teaching and Learning across school. To ensure that all teaching across school is at least good.
3. To develop strategies to support the wellbeing of staff and pupils and our community.
4. To continue to embed distributed leadership through the continued development of teams in school. To provide a high standard of remote and/or blended learning in the case of full or partial school closure.
5. To embed the English long term plan and to develop teaching in GPS and writing through school to improve progress and attainment.