Home Learning 19-20
Jacob's Time at The Lanes.mp4

Dear Parents and Carers,
We have been working hard to put together some work for your children to do when we are off school. Here is an overview of tasks we’d like children to complete at home over the coming weeks.
We are committed to making sure that your child is still learning as much as possible and endeavour to do our best to keep this happening. If you’d like to send us pictures of your child’s work, that’d be great.
We will also try to update the year group page on the school website on a day-to-day basis.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding children's work please email us on year6@thelanes.notts.sch.uk
Stay safe and keep well
The Year 6 team
Year 6 Home Learning
The tasks should be self-explanatory (and also may change on a day-by-day and weekly basis) but contact us via email if you need to ask us something: year6@thelanes.notts.sch.uk
Power Maths (1 lesson a day)
Our next maths topic is algebra. At the beginning of every lesson, you’ll do the Super 8 (a 10-minute maths fluency activity to get your brains warm) then you’ll start the maths lesson (all on a PowerPoint). Each lesson consists of a problem, followed by an activity to practise the skill. Finally, you need to complete questions based on what you’ve learned (in the ‘Maths Question Sheets’ document on the website).
Please write the answers to each the questions in your workbook with a title and a date then mark them with an adult using the answer sheet (in ‘Maths Answer Sheets’ document on the website).
Each lesson on the PowerPoint has a step-by-step guide and please look in your SATs study guided, ask your parents or get a parent to email us if there’s anything you really don’t understand. .
Challenge: If you want an extra challenge, have a go at the ‘Algebra (Harder Questions) on the website or visit the NRICH website: https://nrich.maths.org/public/topic.php
Times tables – 15 minutes per day
Times Table Rockstars
Log onto Times Table Rockstars and practise your times tables. Your log in details are stuck in your homework diaries.
Hit the Button
Play the games on ‘Hit the Button’.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG)
Spellings (1 spelling list per week)
Practise the words on the lists that have been uploaded to the website for the week.
CGP Grammar Books
Complete the books. Use the study guides to help you to complete the tasks if you are uncertain about something.
Extra - Grammar Bug Online Resources
Pick an activity on our grammar scheme in an area that you need to improve on.
Login to: Activelearnprimary.co.uk
Their username: It is the first four letters of each of their names (e.g. Dean White is deanwhit etc.) For the children that only have two or three letters in their names, it is just all of their name.
Their password is the class name all lowercase. E.g. class6wh, class6dw, class6kc
Their school code: 7pqm
Daily reading (30mins a day)
You must make sure you read daily. This is a great opportunity to read some good books – we adults certainly will be!
Guided Reading
Set by teachers on a weekly basis.
Reading comprehension
Year 6 SATS Buster books – these tasks will be set for you but won’t be daily.
Plan, draft and write your Discovering a Maya Tomb story that we’ve planned together. Use the success criteria to help you and try and include everything on it. Then write your finished copy into your workbook. If you’d like to do some artwork for this too, that’d be amazing.
Joe Wicks (the Body Coach) will be doing a Daily PE session so please do some physical activity of some sorts at home. You can subscribe to his Youtube account here: https://www.youtube.com/thebodycoachtv
A STEM activity chosen by the teachers but this may not be every week.
Topic Project – The Maya (2 weeks)
Design and present your own original Maya city. Include the following things: a palace, temples, observatories, huts, farms, aqueducts etc. This may be done digitally (via Minecraft or other appropriate software) or can take the form of a drawing, painting, 3D model. Please take a photograph and send it to your teachers via the Year 6 email address.