Week Commencing 21 September
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- Home Learning & Assemblies Autumn Term 2020
- Year 3
- Week Commencing 21 September
- Newsletter 21.9.20.pdf
- Daily fluency week 3.pdf
- Week 3 Y3 Maths Slides.pdf
- Week 3 maths worksheet.pdf
- French - What is you name - Minecraft Theme.pdf
- French - Lesson_3_vocab_list.pdf
- French - What's your name Slide.pptx
- English - Explanation (Cracking Contraptions) - Slides.pdf
- English - Sentences for Subordinate Clause Lesson.pdf
- English - Snoozatron Example.pdf
- English -Picture of the Snoozatron.pdf
- English -Snoozatron Comic Strip.pdf
The Snoozatron Video.mp4