The Lanes Curriculum
We have developed skills ladders and knowledge planners for all the Foundation subjects in school.
In RE we follow the Nottinghamshire syllabus which can be found below. We will be adding more Knowledge Planners this term as the curriculum teams develop them in line with our curriculum.
As parents/carers you will be regularly informed of your children's learning, and you may be invited to join your children in lessons and will be encouraged to attend curriculum workshops. The topic webs and more information can be found on the class pages. We also use the Seesaw app in school which enables the teachers to share the learning that your children are doing with you. Pictures and videos are also uploaded to the website regularly.
Our community is at the heart of our teaching and learning, and we encourage involvement with the local community to add an extra dimension to our children's learning.
Excellent links with the local primary schools and our feeder secondary school enable us to have a good understanding of the students' knowledge and skill levels which helps effective transition.
We use the National Curriculum and Early Years Framework as a springboard for a knowledge- and skills-based curriculum that provides wide and varied learning experiences for our children. The hidden curriculum is what children learn from each other and the adults in school through observation and imitation of all actions and conversations – hence the need for high professional standards at all times in order to encourage high expectations of ourselves and others. The Lanes Primary School curriculum combines all of the above with the extended offer of before and after-school clubs. It is constantly evolving according to the needs of our children and to the aspirations of the staff and the community.
Our long-term topic plans are based around the interests of our children, the progression of the acquisition of skills and the requirements of the National Curriculum/Early Years Framework. Our topics are set out below with flexibility to tailor these to individual needs and interests of our cohorts.