Special Educational Needs
The Lanes Primary School is proud of its tradition of inclusive education. We believe that all children are of equal value and that we have the responsibility to make high quality, balanced provision for all pupils to help them reach their full potential as learners. We recognise that children with special educational needs have the right and entitlement to be fully included in the life of the school. We understand that at any time a child may experience a difficulty in an area of learning that must be addressed. Our provision for children with special educational needs has l included children with ASD, Downs Syndrome, Developmental Delay, Moderate and Specific Learning Difficulties, Visual Impairment and a range of Physical Disabilities.
Our Special Needs co-ordinator is Mrs Michaela Brown.
The governor with responsibility for SEND is Mrs Cheryl Heath. She can be contacted through the school office or at
The Nottinghamshire Local Offer, which outlines the vision and aims of Nottinghamshire’s SEND provision can be found here
If you have any questions regarding Special Educational Needs please contact the school office on