About Us
The Lanes Governing Body
The governors of the school are volunteers and our main role is to work with the school ensuring that your children receive the best possible education in a supportive and safe setting. To this end we have three core strategic functions which are:
- Making sure that everyone is clear about the school’s vision for your children and how the school plans to realise the vision.
- Working with the Head Teacher to ensure that your children do the best they can and that all the staff are supported and trained, to work with them to the best of their ability.
- Making sure the funding is well spent, by seeking value for money and targeting resources to areas that will best help your children achieve their full potential.
The membership consists of a diverse and enthusiastic team of people from the school and local community including teachers, parents, governors elected for a specific skill (co-opted) and local authority governors (elected by the body that is responsible for maintaining the school).
Together with the pupils and staff, we set the aims and objectives for the school, develop policies and targets to achieve those objectives and monitor and evaluate progress of the school towards these objectives.
The governing body structure consists of the following;
The “Full Governing Body” (FGB)
The “Finance, Premises and Personnel committee” (FP&P)
The “Pupils, Standards and Strategy committee” (PS&S)
The Full Governing Body meet termly. These meetings carry out formal business, receive reports from committees, ratify decisions made in them and discuss the management of the school.
The Finance, Premises and Personnel committee meets at least once per term, and is responsible for staffing and personnel issues including overseeing the appointment of new staff. It monitors the delivery of the school budget and allocation of funds. It is responsible for ensuring the premises are in a good state of repair and the grounds well maintained. It also has responsibility for regularly carrying out safety checks to make sure that the school is complying with Health and Safety legislation.
The Pupils, Standards and Strategy committee meets at least once per term, and is responsible for monitoring the delivery of the National Curriculum and learning within the school. It reviews school policies and makes sure that the requirements of children with disabilities/special needs are met. It is also responsible for overseeing standards, and the overall strategy associated with curriculum development within the school.
Some governors have specific roles such as headteacher appraisal, child protection governor, health and safety etc. These are listed in the Governor details document below.
Occasionally special committees need to be created to deal with certain issues e.g. a pupil discipline committee or Employee Grievance committee. These would be made of appropriate representatives from within the School Governing body as and when required.
The list of governors is given below, along with a document providing specific details we are required to declare. As the school and governing body is new, it is not possible to provide attendance to meetings for the last academic year.
Should you have any issues or questions please contact the governors on governors@thelanes.notts.sch.uk or via the school offices.
Andy Barker
Chair of Governors