Letter to families19.06
19 June 2020
Dear Families,
Hello again. What a week it has been and I hope that you are all safe after the torrential downpours we have had. We have had another successful week in school and the children are working hard. We opened our final Keyworker class this week and our Reception and Year 6 children have also enjoyed being in school again.
We will be welcoming back some of our Year 1 pupils next week at the Cator Lane site. Arrangements until the end of term have now been finalised (as long as the government advice does not change again of course). From next week over 100 Keyworker children will be in school all week, an additional 45 Year 6 for 3 days, 60 Reception children for 2 days and 60 Year 1 children for 2 days. We have had to limit the number of days due to the space in school, availability of staff and to enable us to adhere to our risk assessments. We will be offering at least some provision in school to over 250 children every week from Monday 22nd June onwards.
Once the Year 1 children are in school all staff who can be in school will be working and we have no more flexibility or ability to run any more groups. We will keep the home learning going and endeavour to keep the phone calls and Zoom meetings going too. I know that this is an uncertain time for everyone and there is nothing I would like more than to have all the children back in school. As we look towards September, the picture remains very unclear and we are awaiting Government guidance as to what school may look like. It may surprise you to know that as school leaders we do not get any prior warning of changes and generally hear announcements at the same time as you. This is incredibly frustrating for us as I am sure you can imagine. As a staff, we are discussing various models for September and I will let you know details once they are finalised – unfortunately, this is unlikely to be any time soon.
We are also beginning to look at classes and teachers for September and I will let you know how this will be organised at the beginning of July. We are looking into ways that the children can ‘meet’ their new class teachers and classmates to aid the transition process. As part of our planning, we will also be looking carefully at the curriculum for the first half term to ensure that children come back into school positively.
Note about the end of term – Monday 22nd June should have been an Inset Day. We should also have had one in May. As school remained open on both days, the governors have agreed that they are taken off the end of term. The summer term will now end on Wednesday 22nd July.
My assembly this week focuses on the importance of having some calm time and connecting with nature. I have really enjoyed my walks and love spending time outdoors – it always make me feel better (even in the rain). I know that lots of you have been building dens, camping out in your gardens, growing vegetables and enjoying bike rides and walks. I have also loved watching Springwatch and I have included a link to the programmes website below, as there are some lovely videos, photographs and activities to do. There is also a link to the RSPB Family Wild Challenge website as some of you may like to become involved with this project.
Springwatch - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b007qgm3
RSPB wild challenge - https://www.rspb.org.uk/fun-and-learning/for-families/family-wild-challenge/
The assembly is a guided ‘walk’ through the woods – I hope you enjoy it.
Have a good weekend everyone and I will be in touch again next week. Thanks again for all your continued support and understanding.
Mrs Revill