Letter to families 17.07
Dear Families,
I hope that you have had another good week. Reports are being sent out today along with some messages from your teachers. I hope you enjoy reading them. A comment sheet also came home with the reports. We would love it if you could fill this in and maybe drop it into school before the end of term – we will put boxes in both entrances. Thank you.
I hope that most of you will have also had your last Zoom call with your current teachers – they will give you one last phone call before we break up on Wednesday next week.
Your new teachers will also have arranged a Zoom meeting (some of you may already have had this) so that you can meet them and have a chat. The new class email system will be set up but will only be activated in the last week of the holidays. We will continue to pick up the office emails during the holiday if you need us for anything – please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Next week the teachers will set the last home learning challenges for this term. Thank you to all of you for the hard work. I have loved reading the emails and seeing all the pictures. We will be setting some projects for the summer and there will be a new section on the website for this.
Next week we will put out PE kits and anything else that was left behind when school closed. Everything will be put outside the front of school at both sites. Please come and pick up everything if you can. Everything that was left in school will be outside and there will be nothing left in the building. If things are not picked up, we will dispose of them at the end of the week. We will also put out a couple of boxes for you to bring back any school reading and library books so that we can audit our stock and get ready for the new term. Thank you.
Take care everyone. I will be back in touch next week with plans for the new term and an end of year assembly.
Mrs Revill