Letter to families 12.06
Dear Families,
Hello everyone, I hope that you are all Ok. We have had a busy week in school this week with the return of some of our Year 6 and Reception children. It has been so lovely to see the children – they were all amazing. School feels like it is beginning to wake up after hibernation. Of course, it would be great if we could welcome you all back but unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment – fingers crossed for September!
The introduction of more children to school has been extremely challenging with the new regulations and the complex risk assessments that we have to meet. As the economy has begun to open up, we have also had an increased demand for ‘keyworker’ places. This has meant that we have had to put back the introduction of Year 1 until week beginning 22nd June. This decision was a difficult one to take as I am only too aware of the pressure you are under to maybe get back to work and to have some certainty so that you can plan for the next few weeks. In light of this, I will confirm the arrangements until the end of term on Monday next week for Reception, Year 6 and Year 1.
The teachers will be phoning you again this week if your child is not in school. The class email system is still up and running and some class Zoom meetings have already taken place.
I have also sent out a consultation for the new Relationships Education policy (RSHE) today. This new policy will be statutory from September 2020 and we, as a school, need to consult with parents. At the moment this consultation will be completed online but we hope to have a meeting in the Autumn term if at all possible. Please have a read of the policy and send us your feedback by Friday 26th June. We will then follow up these comments either in a general FAQ format or on an individual level as appropriate. My assembly this week is on the value of Happiness. The story I have chosen is ‘Have you Filled a Bucket Today?’ The story shows that if you are kind and thoughtful to others then you can have a positive effect on the people around you. There are lots of resources on Twinkl to supplement this story if you wanted to do some of them at home. Have a good weekend everyone and I will be in touch again next week.
Thanks again for all your continued support and understanding.
Mrs Revill
Head Teacher