Letter to families 10.07
Dear Families,
Hello everyone – Friday again and here is the latest update from school. I hope that you are all OK – let’s hope the weather improves next week and we can get out and enjoy it.
The home learning this week will include the SRE objectives that we would have taught this term. It would be great if you could find the time to discuss this with your children. Thank you to all those parents who sent feedback about the new RSHE policy. We will collate this over the summer and hope to hold some information meetings when we return to school. The feedback was generally very positive and I will pick up any individual concerns with those parents in September.
Today you will receive the class allocation letter for September. Your child’s new teacher will be in touch very soon – keep your eyes open for the welcome Zoom meeting. There will also be an introductory letter from the Year group team which will come out with your child’s report next week.
Reports will be sent home on Friday 17th July. The Year 6 children in school will take them home on Thursday. The other children who are in school will bring their reports home with them on Friday. If your child is not in school, we will deliver the reports to your houses – we have a mass staff delivery team on standby. If the report will not go through the letterbox and no one is in, we will bring it back to school for you to pick up and will text you if this is the case.
I have met with CHAS and they are able to open in the summer holiday, which is great. Please contact them directly if you would be interested in a place – their contact details are on the website. I am meeting with them again next week to look at possible arrangements for September.
We are now looking carefully at the arrangements for September. We are determined to be open full time for all pupils and are looking at running a ‘Year group bubble’ system. We are at the very early stages of this but I am hoping to have some more definite plans in place before we break up. Children will be back in school in uniform in September.
My assembly this week is a story called ‘Princess Rose’. This is a very special book as it was actually written by one of our pupils Lowri Moore. You may have seen her on the news last night but if you didn’t here is the link so that you can see her talking about her book in our school library. https://www.itv.com/news/2020-07-09/girl-creates-book-with-glasses-wearing-princess-after-realising-no-disney-heroine-wears-spectacles
You may remember that over a year ago Lowri wrote a letter to Disney to ask them why none of the Princesses in their stories wear glasses. Since then Lowri has become an ambassador for the charity ‘Clearly’ whose mission statement is ‘We want to help the world see clearly so that everyone can realise their full potential. Everyone should be able to get a pair of glasses no matter who they are or where they live’. Lowri has attended conferences and spoken in the media about her campaign. Not only has she done all of this – she has also written a book which I will share with you today. The story has been written to be a tool to aid conversation and discussion about self acceptance. This is fantastic achievement and we could not be more proud of Lowri. I hope that you enjoy the story. If you want to purchase your own copy you can do so from Lowri’s website www.lowrimoore.com and 30% of all the profits will go to charity for the sole purpose of enabling vulnerable children to access eye tests and receive glasses if requires. Well done Lowri – what a star!
Take care everyone.
I will be back in touch next week hopefully with some firmer plans for September.
Mrs Revill