COVID Guidance for Parents/Carers
Due to the sudden increase in COVID cases causing class bubble closures we have provided the information below to help with the testing/self-isolating process.
Thank you for your continued support with what I know is an incredibly frustrating situation. We are currently awaiting updates from the DFE regarding the use of the bubble system and the rules around self- isolation for staff and pupils and we will be in touch once we have any further news.
We are finding that children are displaying a range of symptoms before testing positive for COVID, these include a slight temperature, feeling tired/lethargic, sore throat, cold like symptoms, headache, diarrhoea, nausea or vomiting, persistent cough.
What to do next
If your child is displaying any of these symptoms, or you have concerns that they are unwell please do not send them to school.
We are advising parents of children with COVID symptoms to book a PCR test - this can be done via or call 119. Your child and anyone in your house must self-isolate until you receive the results of the test. If your child has any siblings they should not attend school until you receive the results of the test.
Please inform school asap if your child is having a PCR test – this can be done by email or by leaving a voicemail if the test is done out of school hours.
If the PCR test result is positive your household must continue to self-isolate for the required period of time.
Your isolation period starts immediately from when your symptoms started, or, if you do not have any symptoms, from when your test was taken. Your isolation period includes the day your symptoms started (or the day your test was taken if you do not have symptoms), and the next 10 full days. You will receive further guidance via NHS Test and Trace. If you had a negative PCR test result because you had symptoms
If your PCR test result is negative but you still have symptoms, you may have another virus such as a cold or flu. You should stay at home until you feel well. Seek medical attention if you are concerned about your symptoms. You can stop isolating as long as:
* you are well
* no-one else in your household has symptoms or has tested positive for COVID-19
* you have not been advised to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace
Anyone in your household who is isolating because of your symptoms can also stop isolating.
If you have been advised that your child needs to self-isolate due to a close contact receiving a positive result the guidance is slightly different.
Your child must stay at home and self-isolate for the required period of time. If your child is well at the end of the 10 day period of self-isolation then they can return to their usual activities and attend school as normal.
Other members of your household can continue normal activities, provided your child does not develop symptoms within the 10 day self-isolation period.
It is now also possible for close contacts to have a PCR test even where they do not have symptoms through Get a free PCR test to check if you have coronavirus (COVID-19) - GOV.UK ( or by calling 119.
Please note: if your child has a negative PCR test result this does not alter the self-isolation period as a contact. Close contacts should continue to self-isolate for 10 full days, as they could still become infectious and pass the infection onto others. Please make sure you read the full text message from NHS Test and Trace when receiving a negative result. This makes clear that you do not need to self-isolate unless ‘you've been told to self-isolate because you've been in close contact with someone who tested positive’ Negative test result for coronavirus (COVID-19) - NHS (
Further information is available via these links