A Message from the School Council – November 2022
Readathon Sponsorship
First of all we would like to say a HUGE thank you for your support with our Readathon over half term. So far we have raised £3000 which is amazing. If you have not sent your money in yet please send it into the office or pay it into Squid. We are also using the £5000 that Noah won when he designed a Christmas card for Amazon last year – he has particularly requested some new football goals!
We have had a meeting this half term and we have taken ideas from the children about how they would like to develop the playgrounds and improve playtimes. We are really excited to start planning our project.
Children in Need
The School Council are leading this year’s charity effort for Children in Need. This is on Friday November 18th.
Please could everyone come to school dressed in something spotty or stripy on the day. Children can also wear Pudsey headbands, badges, T shirts if they would like to. In school we will be talking about charity and how we can help people who are less fortunate than us and who may need support. Please bring £1 into school to go towards the charity – you can give this to the teacher when you come into school or alternatively you can make a donation online via sQuid –Children In Need 2022 Donations
We would also like to run a cake sale. There will be a stall on the playground at Meadow Lane (in the hall if it is raining), and another one in the hall at Cator Lane at pick up time on Friday afternoon. We will be asking for donations of cakes and biscuits please and these can be dropped into school any time next week. The more cakes we get the more money we will raise.
We really hope that you will support us with our Children in Need fundraising – let’s see how much we can raise!
From The Lanes School Council