Changes to School Day Timings - Jan 2025
Dear Parents/Carers
I hope you are looking forward to the Christmas break, the staff most definitely are! It has been a very busy term with
so much going on and I have absolutely loved getting to know the children and families. Thank you for your kind words,
support and challenge throughout this term
We have been reviewing the current start and finishing times of the school day. The current teaching hours do not
meet the requirement within the DfE Length of the School Week document which was released in July 2023. Schools
have been given time to adjust their school day and it should now be in place.
I have been working with the staff and the governors to look at options in order minimise any change or disruption
whilst increasing the teaching time in school. There are a couple of tweaks but no significant changes.
We have taken into consideration the nature of the split site and the travel time between buildings.
The changes that we will be adopting from January 6th 2025 are outlined below
Meadow Lane |
Cator Lane Y2, Y3 and Y4 |
Cator Lane Y5 and Y6 |
School gates opened | 8.35 | 8.45 | |
School day starts | 8.45 | 8.55 | |
School day finishes | 3.15 | 3.25 | 3.30 |
The time for the start of the school day is the time that the register will be taken. All children will need to be in class
by this time.
Due to the changes in times, teachers will not be available on the school doors in the mornings for as long. However,
we will make sure there is a member of staff from each year group available so you will be able to pass on any key
information and maintain this key communication opportunity.
We will also need your support to ensure children are not on the school site too early. There will be no supervision on
the playground before the school gate opening time.
We recognise that this is a change and for some children this may be a challenge. Please discuss this with your children
and review your morning routines so we are able to start the new term smoothly.