Anti-Social Behaviour letter from Broxtowe Borough Council
Broxtowe Borough Council
Anti Social Behaviour by young people will not be tolerated in Broxtowe and The Police, Borough Council, Schools, Retail and Landlords welcome reporting from residents and visitors to assist us in tackling incidents of anti-social behaviour and addressing the concerns of residents within our Borough.
To tackle anti-social behaviour effectively requires a positive and united approach from not just the Police, but other partner organisations which have a role to play, including Broxtowe Borough Council, Schools, Housing Associations and Private Landlords. Preventing anti-social behaviour is our primary focus as most cases can be resolved without enforcement however, when informal interventions prove ineffective, Broxtowe Borough Council's Legal Team may utilize a range of legal measures to protect vulnerable individuals and communities.
There are a range of tools and powers the Police and Local Authority have at their disposal to deal with young people which, where convicted may result in a criminal record. As parents it is important that you are aware of where your children are and what they are doing when they are out to prevent them from being drawn into ASB and enforcement action being taken against them. Reports of ASB may be in breach of tenancy agreements and as such, will be investigated and may result in possession proceedings.
Legislation grants “powers” to local authorities to deal with anti-social behaviour as opposed to imposing “duties” and where the Council deems action necessary this needs to be proportionate, in addition not all issues qualify to be investigated as anti-social behaviour:
• If the behaviour is lawful, you will be informed that it cannot be addressed under anti-social behaviour legislation
• Reports related to isolated incidents or non-persistent occurrences will be advised that anti-social behaviour needs to be ongoing and persistent for action to be taken
• If the reported incident occurred more than a month ago and is not currently affecting you, agencies cannot lawfully take action
• Where behaviour from the typical daily activities of others are reported as ASB these will be addressed through referral to an appropriate health professional, such as your GP
• If the reported incident has already been addressed by another agency, further action is typically not possible
• Reports of behaviour that are prejudicial, discriminatory, malicious, unreasonable, vexatious, or frivolous will be investigated and it should be noted that evidence gathered during the investigation may lead to action against the reporting party.
It's important to provide accurate evidence and witness information for your complaint to be progressed as action is dependent on the availability of up-to-date evidence to substantiate the offense and satisfy the courts. The Council is unable to accept anonymous reports of anti social behaviour as this prevents the Council from gathering the necessary evidence.
ASB should be reported to the following agencies;
Criminal Damage / Vandalism
Drug Misuse & Dealing
Intimidating / Anti-Social Gatherings
Rowdy Behaviour
Kerb Crawling
Aggressive Dogs
Street Drinking
Vehicle Nuisance
Local Authority
Rowdy Behaviour
Overgrown Gardens
Fly Tipping
Fly Posting
Abandoned Cars
Dog Fouling
Irresponsible Dog Ownership
High Hedges
Noise Nuisance
Nottinghamshire Police Tel: 101
Broxtowe Borough Council Tel: 0115 9177777 Report anti-social behaviour online using our online form
Victim Support 0300 3031967